Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Sour cherry creams

Traditionally, cherries have been used as an effective treatment for gout so they have medicinal property as well. Most people appreciate cherries for the flavors they impart to pies, jams and for us here at Leatherwood Vinegary, wine and vinegar.
Sour Cherry Soup is a refreshing cold soup served as an initial course or a dessert. It doesn’t have any herbs in it but you could try sweetening it with stevia instead of the sugar.
Clean and pit a pound of sour cherries. Place the cherries in a four-quart saucepan along with six cups of water and ¾ of a cup of sugar. Get to a boil and simmer for about ten minutes or until the cherries are cooked through.
Stir 1 teaspoon of powdered sugar, 2 tablespoons of flour and ¼ teaspoon of salt into 1 cup of sour cream. Add a few of the cooked juice to this and whisk together. Then add it to the cherries in the pan. It won't thicker much. Cool by immerse the pan half way in a container of water and ice cubes. Then transfer to a bowl and cool in the refrigerator. Serve as a first course or put in a dollop of fresh whipped cream and serve as a dessert.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Please remove this story from your site. This story is copyrighted by and the author Nancy Leasman. Thank you for your assistance in taking this story.

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