Friday, July 24, 2009

Water waste is a lake of oil to bring our bottled water

The energy and petroleum used to make and deliver the millions of disposable plastic water bottles B.C. residents drink and toss each year is corresponding to 64,000 barrels of oil.
That estimate is one of the findings in a new report that paints has damning portrait of the waste flowing from the manufacture, transportation and disposal of plastic water bottles.
Researchers used market to share estimates and to tabulate how many of each firm’s bottles comes here and the resulting fuel burned shipping them.
Their report results:
• Between 44,000 and 58,000 barrels of oil has used manufacturing the bottles sold in B.C.
• Energy equivalent to 200 to 300 barrels of oil has used to treat the water and fill, label and seal the bottles.
• Another 4,850 to 6,300 barrels of oil were burn transporting the bottles to Vancouver.

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