Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Tips of nutrition diets with flavor

Dieting doesn't have to mean giving up taste - and that's for true, nutritionists say.
A few tips:
  • Wait to remove skin. Cooking chicken without its skin can leave the meat too dry. Take the skin off once the meat is cooked and rub on spices for extra taste.
  • Substitute meats. Try ground chicken or turkey instead of beef and Canadian bacon in place of normal strips. Use additional flavorings and vegetable toppings to boost the flavor of meat dishes.
  • Flavor your water. In place of lemonade, squeeze some clean lemon into a glass of water. For a lower-calorie ''juice,'' stir in a sugar-free mix such as Crystal Light.
  • Cut the fat in recipes. Most baked goods do well with a third to a half less oil, butter or margarine. Make regular cutbacks and experiment with healthier ingredients such as applesauce or fat-free sour cream. Also use nonstick pans and cooking spray.
  • Buy reduced-fat dairy. These versions of cheese, milk, sour cream and buttermilk taste good and will work in most recipes.

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