Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Few tips to do with lemons

Woman's Day magazine suggests a number of uses that bring a whole new meaning to the phrase "turning lemons into lemonade."
Among them:
• Improve flavor: Add lemon to your green tea to reduce the drink's bitterness and assist your body's absorption of antioxidants.
• Get fresh: Use a lemon as an all-natural deodorant for your armpits and feet.
• Sooth sunburn: Mix lemon juice and cool water and softly apply to your skin. It will help your body recover more rapidly from a mild sunburn.
• De-stain your laundry: Squeeze lemon juice on an ink stain, let sit overnight, then launder as common. Repeat if essential before drying.

• Clean your pots: Make a paste of lemon juice and salt, and rub it on copper to take away oxidation. Rinse well and dry.

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