Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Vodka with different special flavors

Humans have been making and drinking alcohol for hundreds of years. But the earliest spirits weren't exactly smooth or even palatable. (Drinkers must have been pretty cold or sweet thirsty to have reached for a glass.) Back in the day, to make drinks tastier our Eastern European comrades began flavoring vodka with anything and everything they could find, including herbs, vegetables and fruits. Just as vodka amplifies flavors in a cocktail, it's the perfect neutral base for making infusions. (It's no wonder liquor store shelves are filled with dozens of different types of vodkas.) But flavoring vodka is incredibly easy and allows you to be wildly creative.

Start by filling a sealable glass jar half-way with seasonal sliced fruit, herbs or vegetables. Try these flavors for different seasons:

Winter: kumquats, Meyer lemons, blood oranges, tangerines and guava.
: cherries, kiwis, strawberries, plums and apricots.

: raspberries, blackberries, blueberries and peaches.

: apples, pears, rhubarb and persimmons.

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