Friday, February 5, 2010

Few steps for healthier kitchen

1. Shop the perimeter of your home grocery store. Say goodbye to processed foods such as canned goods and frozen meals. These items are frequently very high in sodium and simple carbohydrates.
2. Use clean herbs to add flavor to your cooking rather than salt. Replace butter with olive and vegetable oil, which are together healthier and tastier. Instead of serving butter with bread, try olive oil topped with clean thyme or basil.
3. Stop frying your foods. Baking, broiling and grilling are much healthier options. Great welcome fish and chicken into your diet. While both are low in fat, fish contains omega fatty acids, which are significant in lipid management.
4. Limited red meat and pork. They are higher in fat and speed up the atherosclerosis process, or hardening of the arteries, which lead to heart disease.
5. Enjoy clean fruit for dessert rather than high-calorie options like cake or ice cream.
6. If you drink alcohol, limit yourself to one drink per day (12 oz. beer, 1.5 oz. of 80-proof spirits or 4 oz. glass of wine).

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