Thursday, February 25, 2010

Quick pretty chocolate cookies

The most delicious feature about a simple chocolate cookie is its taste and appearance. As it bakes, cracks form in the top of the cookie revealing dark chocolate cracks across the surface of the cookie.

Mix the eggs and the white sugar and mix them well.
- Then add the melted butter and chocolate after they cool down a small. Later add the baking powder, flour, nuts and salt and stir to combine.
- Chill the batter for a few hours or overnight, so that it will be simple to handle for the next step.
- Roll the dough into little balls of 1 to 2 tablespoons of batter each. Then roll each ball of batter across a plate dusted with the confection sugar to cover the complete ball.
- Place each ball on a grease cookies sheet and bake in a slow oven (300 degrees) for 18-20 minutes.
- You want to be careful about discoloration of the confection sugar coating. Check out how the cookies make bigger and crack to give that pretty chocolate design! Serve warm.

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