Tuesday, September 8, 2009

How to use a blade grinder for best coffee flavor

The trick is grinding the darned thing. A look for of Amazon yielded over 600 coffee grinders, 500 of which were blade grinders. This is no shock. Blade grinders are more reasonable. However, they were also a tiny bit trickier if you care about the coarseness of your coffee.
Coarseness of the grind is important so you could extract the most flavors and the least bitterness from your coffee. If you use the mistaken grind, you run the risk of canceling out the advantage of grinding the beans fresh.
Kenneth Davids, one of the leading coffee experts, offers this simple advice: "In general, grind coffee as fine as you can without clogging the holes of the brewer or turning the coffee to mud. The finer the grind, the more contact there will be between coffee and hot water, and the faster and more thoroughly the essential oils will be released, without activating harsher, less-soluble chemicals."

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