Thursday, September 24, 2009

FDA banned flavored cigarette

Tobacco companies can no longer sell candy-, spice-, or fruit-flavored cigarettes in the United States, regulators said, acting to implement a ban signed into law in June by President Obama.
Making, selling, rolling papers, or shipping cigarettes, or filters with flavors such as clove, cinnamon, and strawberry may result in sanctions as of Tuesday, the Food and Drug Administration said in a letter to makers led by Altria Group Inc. and Philip Morris USA.
Menthol, the most famous flavored cigarette and the one preferred by blacks, was allowedCongress gave the FDA power to control the $80-billion-a-year tobacco industry after a decadelong fight. The law bans most flavored cigarettes, advertising to children, and the introduction of products without scientific review. to stay on the market over objections from seven former U.S. secretaries of Health and Human Services.

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