Monday, March 23, 2009

Nutritionists' tips for getting good perspectives

-Estimate that how much soda you drink in a week. Then use a calculator to add up how many calories and sugar grams your routine costs you.

-Give yourself time. Most people cannot go cold turkey. One plan is to cut back by 25 percent the first week, 50 percent the second week, and so on.

-Find out other fizz. Mineral water, Seltzer water and club soda all have the same feel on your tongue as soda. Investigate by mixing them into small amounts of 100 percent fruit juices.

-Drink a lot of water. Buy a refillable water cooler and maintain it with you at home, at work and in the car.

-Stock up on alternatives. Decaffeinated tea and flavored water are top choice for your refrigerator. Some 100 percent fruit juice also is fine, but be aware that juices have calories and sugar too.

-Switch to diet - may be. Nutritionists are mixed on diet soda, which is calorie-free but still contains chemicals and might increase cravings for sweet foods. If you need to switch, try mixing some diet soda into regular, gradually increasing the ratio as your taste buds adjust.

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