Monday, March 2, 2009

Need to Know about soft drink

Soft drink is a beverage that does not contain alcohol. Carbonated soft drinks are normally known as soda, soda pop, pop, coke or tonic in various parts of the United States, pop in Canada, fizzy drinks in the United Kingdom and Australia and sometimes minerals in Ireland. The name "soft drink" specifies a lack of alcohol by the way of contrast to the term "hard drink". The term "drink", while nominally neutral, sometimes carries connotations of alcoholic substance. Beverages like colas, flavored water, sparkling water, iced tea, lemonade, squash, and fruit punch are among the most general types of soft drinks, while hot chocolate, hot tea, coffee, milk, tap water, juice and milkshakes do not fall into this classification. Many carbonated soft drinks are optionally available in version sweetened with sugars or with non-caloric sweeteners. The terms used for soft drinks vary commonly both by country and regionally within some countries. Common terms consist of soda, soda pop, pop, coke, tonic, fizzy drinks, bubbly water, lemonade, and cold drink.

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