Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Increasing Health Concerns Enhance opportunity for the Bottled Water

Obesity-related health risks are causing a gradual shift away from carbonated water toward healthier alternatives such as bottled water or flavored water, giving a boost to the European bottled water industry. Apart from benefiting greatly from the common reluctance to drink tap water, bottled water scores over fizzy drinks due to the latter's high calorie count. Being a life product, bottled drinking water is controlled by stringent laws and regulations and is considered very safe for consumption. "Moreover, water is perceived to be an necessary part of skin hydration and is linked strongly with health and beauty," says the analyst of this research. "Not surprisingly, bottled drinking water manufacturer have built on this link by positioning bottled water as a skincare product."
Bottled water companies will also have to plan to counter the offensive campaigns mounted by municipal utility companies on account of drawing freely available water from freshwater resources and selling them for a price. Participants require initiating public awareness campaigns and publishing statistics that prove that the actual amount of water drawn by them is negligible.

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