Monday, December 21, 2009

Tasty eating with different flavors

Besides festive sweaters and gifts galore, the holidays also bring about many delicious traditions. One of these traditions date back over 350 years - the candy cane. Its unique shape allows it to be evenly as cool to decorate with as it is to eat during the holiday season, and its traditional mint taste has made the peppermint flavor synonymous with the Christmas season.
Mint has since recognized itself as a classic flavoring component in a variety of dishes. While there are over 30 different species of mint, the two most general are spearmint and peppermint. Peppermint is the more pungent of the two and, of course, is mainly noteworthy during the holidays via the popularity of the candy cane. Yes, peppermint is considered as necessary to the Christmas season as pumpkin is to Thanksgiving. Nowadays, candy canes are available in all sorts of flavors and sizes, but even the quintessential peppermint candy cane had an attractive and debatable heritage.

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