Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Pure Vegetables, the overlooked pleasure of a Christmas feast

Cauliflower and potato gratin is easy and satisfying as a side dish at the Christmas feast or as a light main the rest of the year. It's perfectly easy to make as Roast split squash until its tender, then spoon the pulp into a food processor and puree it with the rest of the ingredients.
The big bang captures too much of our attention at Christmas. As kids (and maybe even later), we directly go for the biggest packages under the tree, ignoring the more apparently modest stockings by the fireplace. The adult equivalent of that comes at the table, where we'll plan for weeks the massive roast that will be the centerpiece of Christmas dinner, the spectacular desserts that will cap it, or the wonderful wines that will make everything flow, and then wake up that morning thinking, "Oh shoot, maybe we ought to have a vegetable too."

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