Many people simply don’t care about the value of their food and what's in it. There are absolutely alternatives to refined sugar that provide just as much sweetness in life and do not cause the same reaction. The most popular syrups include:
Agave - Agave nectar is a natural liquid sweetener prepared from the juice of the agave cactus. It is 1.4 times sweeter than refined sugar, but does not make a sugar rush, and is much less disturbing to the body’s blood sugar levels than white sugar.Stevia – This leafy herb has been used for centuries by resident South Americans. The extract from stevia is 100 to 300 times sweeter than clear sugar. It can be used in baking and beverages, cooking, do not affect blood sugar levels and has zero calories.
Brown rice syrup – a delicious alternative that can be used to make healthier desserts such as brown rice krispie treats. In recipes, you may have to use up to 50% extra brown rice syrup than sugar and reduce the amount of other liquids.